Vehicle Appraising
Know how to get out, before you get in
Provision’s appraising tool uses live market data to find the exact used vehicle pricing information dealers need to make the most profitable decision. Its retail-based approach tells you exactly what a specifically equipped vehicle will sell for in retail, wholesale and subprime markets and how fast — so you know exactly what to pay to maximize profit.

Used Vehicle Valuation
vAuto’s AutoMatch™ Technology compares vehicles by exact equipment — not just by VIN or trim — so your appraisal can account for every aspect of every car. Access to leading vehicle history reports, such as CarFax, provides deeper insight into a vehicle’s worth. The powerful rBook™ valuation tool lets you see real-time prices of identically equipped used cars in your market, so you’ll always know exactly what a vehicle is worth.

Market-Based Positioning Data
Know what every used vehicle in your live market is selling for — so you can always buy at a price that makes you profitable. vAuto automatically assigns every appraisal a vRank, which reports its competitive position in your live market based on price and value in Internet search results.

vSquare Functionality
Fine-tune every used vehicle appraisal to find the perfect balance of competitive pricing and profit margins. vAuto’s dynamic four-square functionality automatically calculates the effects of proposed changes in appraisal amount, profit objective, price rank and real-time market position. As you work the deal, you can always stay on the money.

Multi-Out Technology
Find the most profitable exit strategy for every used vehicle before it ever enters your inventory. Provision’s multi-out technology assesses each vehicle’s subprime, retail and wholesale potential during the appraisal process, so you can plan for success from the beginning.
vAuto Turn Calculator
Try our Turn Calculator to see how inventory turns boost your bottom line!

Exclusive Features
Live Market View
See what’s happening in your market — every car, every second, everywhere.
Provision is the industry’s leading fully mobile, fully optimized inventory management system.
Performance Management
Work with a dedicated industry expert to execute an inventory strategy that sets you up for success.